Friday, July 26, 2013

Holidays ! New day , new chance

Hello Guys ! :)

Since two days , I have holidays for six week ! Yeah !

On Monday I go to Italy for 3 weeks , I am so happy !

The last two weeks, I have lost weight, which is not good bc I must gain weight for build muscles ! 
I will try my best. In Italy I would eat a lot of ice cream! I love ice cream from Italy, is it the best ever !
The next time I can't go to the gym, but maybe i would go for a run at the beach :)


And I would say thank you for a the great messages from you ! The motivated me every day ! Thank you!! And for all of you who are asking me something about fitness and health , I am always happy to help you and give you some tips ! 

Love xoxo Laura :*

fruits | via Facebook

 German : Hallo meine Lieben :*

Endlich sind Sommerferien ! Wie lange ich auf die gewartet habe *__*
Am Montag fahre ich für 3 Wochen nach Italien ( Apulien) . Ich freue mich schon sooo ♥
Seit den letzten 2 Wochen habe ich konstant abgenommen :( Aber das hält mich nicht davon ab, das beste daraus zu machen und weiter zu kämpfen ! In Italien freue ich mich schon auf das Eis ! Ich liebe es , es ist das beste !! ♥

♥ | via Tumblr

Ins Fitness kann ich auch nicht gehen... aber vllt geh ich mal am Strand joggen :D
Ich wollte mich auch für alle eure Mails bedanken !! Danke ! Sie zaubern mir immer ein Lächeln ins Gesicht!!
Und an alle die mich über fitness etc fragen, ich freue mich immer euch helfen zu können!!

Love xoxo Laura

fruits | Tumblr
get up | via Tumblr
All pictures from

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beachbody - Motivation for all of you !!

Hello Guys:)

I have great news for you ! :) I want to present you  the website!

This is a great website about fitness, healthy body , healthy lifestyle and great videos about body workouts and motivation to exercise at home or where ever you want!
The Beachbody brand are also the makers of the popular  P90X® videos.
And the best things about these videos are that they take only 25-30 minutes and you can do them at home , for the people who don't have time to go to the gym.
So no one can say that they don't have time to workout ! :)

For a good overview I've listed a little summary of a few programs:

 Any girl can agree with me that having a nice butt is definitely something we strive for! This workout provides you with exercises that focus on lifting and firming your butt. I think this would be a lot of fun to do!  ♥

2.) Beachbody Challenge

The Beachbody challenge is such an awesome idea for anyone needing motivation to lose weight. It serves as a great motivational and support system. All you have to do is just complete a Beachbody program and share your results. They give away a ton of cash and prizes. They’re basically paying you to lose weight, how much better does it get?!

3.)T25 Workout

This program is awesome because it only take 25 minutes! So if you’re the kind of person who skips out on exercising because you don’t think you have enough time in your day this is your calling. This workout is supposed to get you the same results as an hour long workout but in a shorter time. I’m sure the workout will be more intense but I can handle that for 25 minutes!

I’m definitely looking forward to trying out these programs. ♥

Visit these pages , they are awesome! :)

Love xoxo Laura