Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Favourite Snacks ♥

Hello Guys ! :)
Today I want to show you some favourite snacks which I'm usally eat.

1. Ricepaper stuffed with veggies,tofu etc..
I love it ! You can combine it with a lot of different things !♥ It is low in calories and it taste delicious !

2. Whole wheat Bread with cottage cheese and berries.

3. Homemade oatmeal cookies with dark chocolate chips or raisins.

4. Light crisp bread with pb and sliced banana on top.

5. Smoothies ! I love Smoothies, they are  great as a snack ! You can add your favourite fruits with low fat yoghurt or almond milk , add a little bit of stevia or honey and blend it. Smoothies have a lot of vitamins and minerals which your body needs, so let's go and make  a smoothie !

6. Rice crackers / or wholewheat bread with pb and chocolate chips and some fresh fruit.

7. Fresh seasonal Fruit ! ♥

8. Low fat yoghurt with blueberries and granola in a jar.

9. Homemade popsicles! They are the best snack for hot summer days and the best alternative to ice cream ! You can add fresh fruit , milk or yoghurt , and when you like some protein powder, then it is  good postworkout snack !

10.Celery sticks with pb / hummus . Sprinkled with chocolte chips, nuts or raisins.

11. Avocado ♥

12. Homemade pb oatmeal balls

All pictures are from


  1. Mhh...sieht alles total lecker aus! Vorallem die Erdnussbutter-Haferflocken-Balls! Die werde ich sicher mal testen. :) *yummi*


    1. Danke :) Ich stell bald noch ein Rezept dazu rein ! ♥

      Lg Laura

  2. Hey, dankeschön! Freut mich dass dir das Video so gut geällt! Deine Snacks sehen übrigens mega lecker aus!

    Liebe Grüße, Jenn

  3. It looks all so good!!!
    Btw i am from the ig mbeatsana hihih
